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May 31, 2019 | Wilmington, NC

The purpose of this forum was to provide a public conversation about the North Carolina PFAS Testing Network, a multi-university research program focused on understanding our exposure to industrial contamination of our environment and drinking water in North Carolina.

Forum Presentations

Introduction to the PFAST Network Research Initiative
Dr. Detlef Knappe, NC State University
Introduction to the PFAST Network Research Initiative
Dr. Jason Surratt, UNC-Chapel Hill
PFAS Sampling and Analysis
Dr. Detlef Knappe, NC State University
Well Water Risk Modeling
Dr. Jackie MacDonald-Gibson, UNC-Chapel Hill
PFAS Removal Performance Testing
Dr. Heather Stapleton, Duke University
Air Emissions and Atmospheric Deposition
Dr. Ralph Mead, UNC Wilmington
Applied Research Opportunities
Dr. Jamie DeWitt, East Carolina University

This forum was organized in part by the NC Coastal Federation with generous support from the Orton Foundation.

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